Friday, February 8, 2013

2-3 ~ 2-8

Heeeey bloggers!(: wasss good? my week has been getting better lately (; i made new friends while having more drama.  but oh whales you know what they say the less you care the more happy you will be. This week i have to keep up with my grades because im like getting my very first b in social studies :/. im slacking, its so hard know to keep up with my grades.. it used to be so easy for me last year :p. Well this week my dad came back from las vegas but he lost money because he betted for 49ers and they lost at the super bowl. But at least he got me stuffs so im pretty much fine. On sunday we watched superbowl and i was going for 49ers. I didnt really wanna see them loose so i was swiming in my auntys pool during the game . then after the game we walked to the park to just relax for awhile. Then thats was it for that day. On Monday i had math, leadership and social studies. for math we started a new project with our box, we had to measure our box and label it to find our surface area and volume. for leadership we had to practice our dance for orientation and make it more better. For social studies we played a game to help us study for our test, then we took our test afterwards. i think i didnt do the best i could because i forgot to study and wasnt their on the first day so i didnt really understood certain definitions. on Tuesdays i have English, Science, and Media. For science we just continued of flip book, and began our new project. For English we had to finish up our critical read. For media we had to do 3 worksheets which was pretty hard but the answer was right on the article. then we got to do a word search which was the most easiest. On Wednesday i have leadership, social studies, and math. In leadership i had to work on my banner, and im so glad im almost done with it. I just have to draw two more images for ace.  In social studies we began a new topic, and its about the events that lead to civil war. then we made a new project, on the project you have to create a sequence map about the main events that happed to lead to the civil war. In math we took a test on surface area, it was easy. Then we continued to put more work in our folder. On Thursday i have Science, Media and English. in science we was suppose to start on our project but then nobody was actually ready to move on so we just watched a video about solar panels. In media we had to correct our worksheets from last class. then we started our new project. we have to make a keynote presentation about whatever topic we choose. In English we had to take a test the whole class period.__. .. It was about if hawaii should make the school day longer. On Friday i had Social studies, Math, and leadership. In social studies we continued to learn more about the compromise and the events that led to the civil war. we also continued our sequence chart. in math we continued putting work into our portfolio, then we got a lil free time if we were done early. Well that was my week. not as interesting (x

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