Friday, May 10, 2013

weekly blog may 9

Haaye bloggers well this week has been a really fun week for me. I had no problem with anything because i brang up all my grades.  Plus i had no drama with anything which was good. Because some people had drama after banquet from who was dancing with who. This week was really good because i was more happy. I started to enjoy everything now since it already the ending of the school year. honestly i cant wait till school ends just to get out of school because im just so over it. for monday i had leadership, social studies and math. For leadership we had to write our interviews out so we can memorize it for wednesday. After ward we had to take a star reading test. I just rushed through it because i had to finish my leadership write out. for social studies we had to present our newspaper to the class. I wasn't ready for this because i didn't know we had to present in front of the class but it was pretty easy since we had to just read one article and explain our newspaper. for math we had hsa, this was our last time taking it. i just hopped i did well. On tuesday i had science, media and english. for science we had to finish up our vocabulary word from the other day. this took half the class time since we would always and couldnt concentrate. then we watched a video about craters.. it was small kine boring because the guy was talking in that deep low voice and he talked slowly. for media we had to take notes on our next project comming up. our project was worth 200 points. we had to make a video on a serious problem in the society today. for english we had to present our poster to the class. we went third, my group relyed on me to do talk so i had to but it was alright cuz i was used to explaining the pictures. on wednesday i had  social studies, math, and leadership. for social studies we had to begin on our critical read because they think it would help us in the future. but i dont understand why we begin this so late. but whatevers umm we also started talking about the last battles that happen in the civil war. for math we had to continue our hsa taking. i got 368 i did well but i just wanted it a lil higher because i had a higher hsa in 7th grade but its ok im just glad i did well. for leadership we had to take our leadership interviews twice. because the first time wasnt that great. on thursday i had media, english, and science. for media we had to get into our groups for the project and began to plan out what we were supposed to do. our topic were doing is eating disorders on bilomia or something like that. for english we had to start on our new project about our role model. i picked justin bieber because i look up to him since his music inspires me. we have to talk in the front and tell them more about our role model. for science we had to take a test about planetary science. honestly we didnt really learn as much because she always would taught us from video and like no one would actually remember that. but she made the test an open book so i was glad. on friday i had math, leadership, and social studies. for math we had to work on some problems that we got on our hsa. so we know how to do that problem thee next time. then we had to finish up our project poster. and then we got to cruise the rest of the day. for leadership we had clean up a102. it was funny and really dust. i hate dust LOL. for social studies we learned how the civil war ended. it was pretty lame but yeah. then we had to coninue our critical week. I had a really good week this week i learned alot about school and personal thing but in the end im happy(:

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