Saturday, May 4, 2013

may 4th

haaaye blogggers hows it?! thats good. well this week has been great. i got closer with everyone else since we had to partner up alot in other classes. This week was suuper fun because it was banquet week. i was happy cuz i won princess(; LOL haha this week my groups job was tv. We had some troubles along the way since we didnt have bullentin on somedays. also ms anbe wasnt here to help us out. and some people didnt show up. On monday i had english, science and media. for english we had to interview our partners. then we had present our partner to the class. it was fun getting to know our partner. then on science we got to on the computer and find an artice to help us find information about our topic. my topic was star's life cycle. for media we had to continue presenting our garage band to the class, the ones who didnt show up the other class day. for tuesday i had leadership, social studies and math. we didnt have time to go to all our classes that day due to testing. we had an explorer test for all 8th graders which lasted 2 and  a half hours. it was so long and boring. This test was to give the school an idea of what kind of score we would have on the real SATs. We had to take a test on english, science, math, and reading. for me the science one was the most difficult ones because it involed all of the other subjects. i was just so glad it was over. on wednesday i had english, science and media. for english we had to start on our project. our new project was on how to change a negative bias and we  have to make a poster board. We had to chose our groups then we had to make an outline on how our poster is suppose to look like. for science we had to highlight important information that we will use in our project from our article. for media we had to start on our maddie presentation on i movie. i actually liked this project because we got to pick our partners and it was easy. On thursday we didnt have leadership as our homeroom and advisory so i went to ms. arakawa's . i had leadership, social studies and math. for leadership i didnt have a period so i just stayed at media class. and just catch up on my science project. for social studies we had to present our newspaper. i think i did well untill i started laughing and i couldnt say my ending properly. for math we had to skip part 3 since we didnt  have even very often since our feild trip and testing. so we had to do part four and make a poster on our coffee mug. on friday i just want it to be a chill day. so i had english, science and media. for english we had to work on our project the whole time during class. we finished early so we just talked story most of the time during class. for science i had to finish up my hsa test i got a 320 not that great but as long as i pass right? yeah. for media we had to finish our maddie project then present it to the class. well that was my week pretty gee.

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