Thursday, July 19, 2012

Third week of leadership

On the third week of leadership we only had three days to work. During these three days we had to do schedule pick up for those who weren't able to go schedule pick up on Friday. It was tiring but I enjoyed it because I liked helping out others. Also, because I got to see my friends that I didn't even see at all during summer. This week was a great experiences of how it would be busy when the students come to pick up their forms for an school activity. Within these three days I learned how to do receipt, help students find their size for uniforms, and do things more quicker instead of taking my time. I had a blast learning new things and experiences from leadership because now we know more about leadership compared to when we first started. I love that everyone is starting to be so close with each other. The third week of leadership got me more excited for this school year.

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