Friday, September 14, 2012

seventh week of school

This week actually felt slow to me. Not as fast as last week. This week i had lunch music. It was hard some what because i didn't know what to do since i didn't do it last time. But through out the week i got used to. The hardest part of this job was remebering coming to A101 for leadership to put the lunch music on the ipod. This week was really boring -__-  all we did in my classes was take notes and tests since its almost the last week of school.  For english we started a new book to read and to learn new english techniqes.  For science class we took 2 different test about earths interior, a pretest and a test. I felt good about the test.. I think i did good since i studied all night. Also in science we watched a movie about life after people. For math we started learning about cube roots and ordering rational numbers. It was really easy! For social studies it wasn't as boring as the others because we got to make a political cartoon about the great compromise or 3/5 compromise. It was hard because we have to make it funny and draw it out.  That was my weeek so far not that interesting hoping net week would be better(;  Weelll bye ;p

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