Saturday, September 8, 2012

Welcome social

Yesterday was welcome social and we had a really busy day because we had to set up for the welcome social. I think the hardest part of the welcome social was cleaning up because the things were really heavy and most of us didn't know what to do. I honestly think the welcome social went well(:  At the social I worked first shift at the ring toss. At the ring toss their wasn't that much people that played.  Only very few of the students won a prize at the ring toss because they didn't know how to throw it in the hole. It was some what funny watching the students not win and give up but I felt bad..but oh wells. When I was done wih my shift I  got to stay with my friends. We danced and took pictures. I love the photo booth but it showed all our flaws but it was alright. We got to go in the photo booth first and everyone was rushing to go in lol. The photo booth was the best part of the welcome social because mostly everyone wanted to take pictures especially me but the line was long -__- . I also enjoyed the tattoo because wasn't as long like last year at spring fling. I also liked the dance competition. I wanted to do the hulu hoop contest but I didnt know their was gonna have one lol.  wElCoMe social was really fun and  funney (x .

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