Friday, January 11, 2013

2cd week of 3rd quarter

Heeeey bloggers('; so how was your guys week ?(: Mines was god ^--^ except for the fact we took so much test already and we just started school last week ;p. But the test was alright since we got to use our notes on some of the test. I forgot to study on one of the test but i got it all right since the teacher gave us extra time to study before the test. This week for English we focused more on poems and the different things they do in the poem such as rhyming, repeating, simile, hyperbole, personification, and etc. Also we learned about something that starts with an 's' ...i forgot. and we read an article showing an example about it . the only thing i liked about english this week was we got to go outside and read our article and have free time. In social studies this week learned about slavery and their right. Also, about the people that tried to stop slavery  I like this subject because the teacher doesn't make the class boring unlike the others. Also we got to do a skit on what we learned in class and show it to the class. i think my group did pretty good but the only thing i dont like about it was getting video taped. In math we had a sub for half of the week -,- and the teacher helper was so mean and rude :/. She gave us 50 problems to do in 30 mins because she used up the other time to yell at us for no reason .. well in my head we didnt do anything bad. I hated math this week. but when our teacher came back we only did a lil of problem and actually knew what we was doing. In  science we had an easy class the whole week. All we did was finish vocab words and some questions. Also we got to draw rainbows, unicorn, leper con, pot of gold, and birds. We also got to watch a video on how earth changes. So my week went well ^--^.. Thank god its friday <3

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