Thursday, January 10, 2013

Personal Display Board #2

In the past 6-7 months I've have changed as a student, leadership student, and a person. Last year i would be the student that was shy and didn't participate in class. But after a while now, since i've got more experiences with things and used to it, im more talkitive and i participate in class. Ive change as a leadership student by before i didn't really had confidence in anything i did. I used to think that everything i would do was wrong. but after learning and doing mulitple task. Now, i have confidence to do things. Also, after doing T.V, talent show, and halloween performances im less scared of talking in front of people. I also changed as a person. Over the past 6 months i became more energetic, out going, less scared to do thing sin front of people, talking in front of people and having more confidence in myself. I think that i change in a good way because i'm more social and i gained more confidence and im less insecure. from before to now i think i've made good improvement. I alwasy wanted to help other students and hlp the school but i couldnt do that last year becasue i  was to shy and scared to . Also, last year i wanted to join leandership but this year i did becasue i just had to get over my fear if i wanted to do it. Something that stayed the same was my grafdes. i always had straight A's since lallst year and hope to keep that way till high school. But somehting that is different is my goal. Last year my goal was to become more confident. But this year my goal is to keep up with my grades . Also, my personality changed. Last year i only would talk to people that i already knew, and i didnt like sports or didnt want to try something new. But now i like to make ew friends that i never knew would be my friend. Aslso, i like to try new thing to be different. This is how i changed over the past 6 months.

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