Friday, January 4, 2013

1st week of third quarter *0*

Heeeeey bloooggers. wow never been on here for a while now :p but anyways this week was supppah short (: . We only had two days of school this week. But one thing about it is why have school for only two days in a week might as well not have school for the whole week, like literaly who would come to school during the week ?.. i guess we do (x naaaaye but this weeek was alllright. In my core classes we started the second semester taking notes and writing essays -,-. I probably didn't write as well then i could of but oh whaales since we just came back from break. Well this week was small kine boring we didnt really get to do as much exciting things to do on a first day. In english we had to write and essay about our break, my break wasnt the most exciting but i still enjoyed it. After we wrote our essay we had to answer questions about poetry. Then we had to turn our essay into a poetry which was a lil hard at first trying to come up with a way to begin. In science we went over our teacher expectations over us and the rules we still have to follow. Then we had a discussion about electromagnetic spectrum and took notes about it. In Math we had a sub so it was a easy class since our teacher just made us do like couple problems through out the whole class. In social studies we had to take a pre-test seeing how much we know about slaves and inequality. Then we had to take notes about slaves and write a paragraph using our notes. So for this semester i have media instead of victory math ^--^. soo glaad since victory math was small kine boring. Well that was my week, thank god its Friday because ive waited so long for this day to  come because i get to go camping down north shore side for the weekends (; well Byyyye (:

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