Friday, March 15, 2013

Last week of third quarter

Haaye guys well this week was the last week of third quarter. Dam this quarter has came by super fast. well this week we still had problems about people working. Overall this week was fairly a good week because their was no drama whats so ever. Also, no one actually made me feel like i dont belong. I'm just so glad this week has finally ended. and another quarter is about to began and to start off fresh. On monday i had leadership, social studies, and math. for leadership we had to put up the marke. then we went down to the cafe and tryed to perfect our dance for orientation. After we talked about our period outing during spring break. I hope we actually go though (: for social studies we just got time in class to catch up on any work or essay paragraphs we need to finish. For math we had to take a very big test and we just finished HSA to >.< On tuesday i had english, science and media. For english we got extra time to finish up our water picture poem analyzing it. Then for the rest of class we studied our notes for our finals next class about literture. For science we did book work the whole day but i wasnt in class since i was down at the cafe to help out for picture taking. for media we took a test about what we learned last class about internet safety. Then we corrected papers. Afterwards we did a worksheet abut chat safety. On wednesday i had leadership, social studies, and math. For leadership we went down to the cafe and helped out for graduation picture taking. for social studies we worked on our conclusion paragraph, and revised it to make it come better. After we had to share our work with our teachers. For math we had an essential questions about cylinder's volume. then we had to philosophical chairs about our question. Then we played a dice game for the rest of class ^--^. On thursday i had english, science, and media. for englsih we had to take a test for majorty of class. I was all freaking out about it but it was actually easy ^--^ thank god cuz i cant have a b for that classs. english is like my worst subject. For science we had to do cornell notes about the questions that are in the text book. After we got to play with our teacher earth ball and sun ball. For media we watched a 10 min video on cyber bullying. Then for the rest of class we had free time. The class went all crazy and started to walk around and do anykine. On friday the last day of the quarter was one of the best days (; I had leadership, social studies, and math. for leadership we had to practice our dance, speeches, and holding the posters for orientation. Then we went on a tour around school, to show where we have to stop of orientation. After we talked about our period 2 outing. For social studies we had to finish up our essay and share it with our teachers. for math we took a test. Then we had free time for the rest of the class. Well that was my week so sad this quarter has already ended. I swear we just began it :p. Ouuh Whaales well have fun on your guys spring week guys ;* stay safe (; byyye.

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