Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spirit Week again ^--^

Haaye guuys well this is my second blog about spirit week since i thought we had to do 2 blogs for it. but oh whaales its kaaye.  Well for spirit week overall i think we did pretty well. We didnt start that week as great though. Spirit week has it ups and down but ended well. It was good to see everyone having alot a spirit on team day especiallly. Spirit week was also a great experience to learn new things about how we handle things. I learned that we only care about ourselves and no one else really. Well i learned more but its on my other blog (the one before this). But i had really a lot of fun with this activity even though we came to many problems. The dress out was ohkaaye. On monday it was turn back the clock pre 1950's. I like about this was it was fairly easy for girls to dress up to this. But on the other hand it was difficult to dress up for this as a guy. On tuesday it was polka dot . I like about this was that mostly everyone had something that was polka dot. But it was kinda hard to show it since we had to use our uniforms. On wednesday it was aloha attire. I like about this is that the aloha goes great with Oahu since where on the hawaiian islands. And it was super easy to dress up since pretty much everything on this island is aloha. But what sucks is that we couldnt just wear a flower since it could come off. On thurday it was military day. what i like about this topic was that it could support the military families and be grateful for what they do for our country. But it was small kine hard to dress out for this for girls since we barley had ca mo things. On friday was like the best day of spirit week it was team day. I like about this was that the school look so colorful. But not everyone dressed out for this which made it small kine suck. If i got to take out two day i would choose turn back the clock  pre 1950's and polka dot. I would change it to animal print day and sports day. Some mini activitys i would do is scavenger hunt, crossword puzzle, musical chairs, and drawing contest. One major activity i would do is an out door maze. We came to many problems with this activity, especially with people not working when their suppose to ,lack of communication, and selfishness. To avoid problem is to ask questions when were confuse or not sure of. Also, to just do what your suppose to do and work. Well spirit week all in all was pretty good and hope to do something like this again (:

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