Friday, March 29, 2013

First week of fourth quarter

Haaaayye GUUYS (: , well I know it's really early for doing this buti have literally nothing to do so I decided to just to do my blog. Well just letting you guys know I might not spell things right since I'm using my iPad. Anyways this week was small kine dumb because we only had 2 days of school, in the middle if the week -,-  but I was small kine glad to come out of the house during the week. So on Monday was pretty alright I got to rest and just watch movies that day. I watched pitch perfect once again LOL. And that zombie movie I forgot the name though ;/ . Well on Tuesday was the last day of spring break so I went to the beach (: . We went to the ewa beach park while everyone went to that secret beach in ewa , we tried finding but didn't find it so we just went to ewa beach park. I got so black , and I had sunburn since u never put sun block but their was no sun so the kine. On Wednesday we went back to school and everyone looks like the walking dead. Hah, their was barley anyone up and awake. Plus the weather was so bipolar. It was sunny then cloudy, then rainy, then sunny once again. I had english, science, and media. For English we watched a movie and almost the whole class fell asleep. But we had to take notes , we watched despicable me. For science we had to take a test to see what we already know then we watched the rest of our turtle movie. For media we watched a cyber bullying video. Then we answered questions and had a worksheet on it. On Thursday I had leadership, social studies and math. For leadership we had to practice for orientation. For social studies we watched a movie about the civil war, then answered questions. For math we had we did activity that involves finding the difference between standard cup of coffee to the worlds largest cup of coffee.  Then Friday we haven't school. Yayers!(: but I'm in the hospital for my lil cuzins first surgery. After we're going to eat at sea pfood restaurant since we cant eat meat. Well that was my week hope y'all have a nice weekend byee(:

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