Saturday, March 16, 2013

third Quarter

Hah, cant u guys believe this quarter has ended .--. Well this quarter has been a really challenging. We came to multiple problems during this quarter. It was small kine hard to fix the problems. In the beginning of the quarter it was difficult to finish weekly AR. Everyone started to just read a lot of the .5 point book. This quarter i experienced multiple things. We never had that much activity like last quarter but we had to finish multiple task. Some task we had to finish was yearbook, weekly AR, Spirit Week, and banners + props for Orientation. Im not really going to talk about Spirit week since its one of my most recent blogs. For yearbook we had many problems from this. We had problems not finishing up yearbook pages. My page was people division. This page wasnt as difficult as i planned. This page we just had to take pictures of the students in class or out at lunch having fun. The most difficult part of this was taking the pictures especially for the seventh grader. it was difficult because they were refusing to take pictures and only the same people wanted to take pictures. but thats life so we just had to work around that. I learned from this was to just to take random pictures of students, so its better to take more pictures while their in class. For orientation we had to finish up our banner and props for our stage. working on banner was kind of difficult because we had to make sure we make no mistake and its the perfect size. Also, its hard working with someone else because they don't do it as neat as you wanted it. But its also more difficult working by yourself. Well i still had to experience working on my own for the banner because my partner was not finish with her yearbook page and to just work on that most of the time. so i had to most of the banner all by my self but itts kaaye. For our props we made eyes for the song watching me. Ive learned multiple things during this quarter. Ive learned that mostly everyone will not get along but we have to put that on the side and work. Also i learned that a lot of people are selfish and only care about themselves. This quarter was the most terrifying quarter so far because my grades has been dropping to a b and that was my very first ever. but i changed it all back to a except for leadership yet but thats because they never put in my grade for the blogs yet. Also i had a b for english last week but i brang it up on the last day of school which was so amazing. i hope for forth quarter i wont go through that again because i dont like it and i cant have b's ever again. Well this quarter has been and alright quarter i just hope it would have been better for me. Well hope you all have a great week (; see you guys @forth quarter.

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