Friday, April 12, 2013

weekly blog april 12

waasssup?! bloggers how you guys doing? ...alrights thats good(;.. well anyways this week was a really busy week with orientation and all, but then again i had some fun. this week has been alot better that last week because last week im always lost but this week ive been in a better mood. I actually just generally improved this week. i improved by making new friends, being more understandable , etc. i really hope next week will be around the same or better (; well for monday i had leadership, social studies and math. for leadership we had to practice for orientation and practice taking the kids on a tour. for social studies we had to watch a movie about when black people were able to fight into the war. the movie was called glory. we only got to watch the first part of it , while we was watching it we had to do a k, w, l worksheet. for math we had to take a test on proportions and putting it into real world senario. on tuesday i had english, science and media. for english i wasnt their because i was at orientation around that time. for science we had to take our first part of hsa. and lastly for media we had to start our new project which we have to create our own song, with at least 3 different instaments. on wednesday i had leadership, social studies and math. for leadership we had to go to the libary and finish up our hsa. i litteraly did really bad , that was like the lowest score i ever got on hsa.. i dont even wanna say what my score was .--. for social studies we had to continue the movie. i honestly thought it was gonna be a bad movie but i actually like it, but why does it have to be so sad for, or well the movie ended sad. *teeeaaars teaaars* then we had to answer some questions from watching the movie. for math we had to do the group work which we were put into groups based on our test scores. i did fairly well. on thursday i haad science, media and english. for science i wasnt their during that time because i was at orientation at that time. for media we had to continue working on our song which i wanted to restart mines because it didnt seem right to me. for english i had to just make up some work i missed from last class. then we took a reading practice test to get us ready for hsa. then we had to take notes about our next project we was doing for quarter 4. on friday i had social studies, math, and leadership. for social studies we talked about our project the whole class time which was soooo boring. i was about to fall asleep but i sat right in front of the teacher so i couldnt. for math we had to take a pre test on proportions. then we had to practice a few problems and share our answers with the class and show how we got our answers. after wards we had to take a post test but my grade stayed the same both 100%. well that was my week pretty chill. hope you guys have a great weekend byyye!

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