Sunday, April 7, 2013

first week of april

Haaye bloggers so wassup?!.yeah i thought today was still saturday, but i guess its not so yeah you get the point but anyways this week has been one of the most confusing week i had so far this quarter. i swear im not eveing thinking straight, and ive been so confused lately in school and around my friends. idk but im so glad this week is over. we only have 7 weeks of school left in the school year. I cant believe this is the last quarter but im so glad it is. im like so ready for summer break. On monday i had english, science, and media. for english we had to finish up our movie, then we took notes on speaking. for science we had to do book work again. which sucked because our teacher was trying to give us so much information about the solar system since we have our hsa test next week. for media we watched the last video for cyberbullying topic. it was not as interesting because they just keep repeating the same facts over and over again. On tuesday i had leadership, social studies and math. for leadership we had to practice for orientation and make one more eyeball for our props. and today was when we actually practice dancing with the fog machine. The machine stinked so bad i felt like i was gonna faint but you get used to the smell after a while. for social studies we started reading articles about the civil war and answering questions. for math we had to review math problems about volume and relating it to the real world senario. for example largest cup of coffee and largest hot tub, and so on. on wednesday i had english, science, and media. for english we had to take more notes. then we had to do imprompt speech. which is you speak without practicing or not ready. my topic was about the sounds i dislike. it was some what hard since i dont really dislike many sounds. just one in particular , which is when people scratch a hard surface. for science we had to work on edmodo and read articles online and take notes. edmodo is a website just like facebook but for school. for media we had to take a post test about cyberbullying. i did better than before, which is good. on thursday i had leadership, social studies, and math. for leadership we had to practice for orientaion again since it was next week. for social studies we had to read another article about the civil war and we seen some pictures that was taken from back then. for math we had to take a test on our topic volume and convertion and proportions. afterwards we had to take notes about the next topic. on friday i had english, science , and media. for english we had to take more notes the whole class. then we had a little free time at the end of class. for science we had to write a paper about what it would be like in 50 years of technology. then we had to share out what we wrote. for media we had to begin our next presentations which was making a wordle. we had to include things about us. well that was my week pretty gaay. LOL. naah well enjoy the rest of your guys day aka weekend ;3

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