Friday, April 26, 2013

weekly blog april 26

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaye blogggggggers. well this week started out weelll then it wasn't so good after all because i got sick but afterwards it ended on a good note. Just for a heads up this blog is going to be shorter than the rest since i only had 3 days of school this week. But anyways for monday i had leadership, social studies and math. for leadership we had to do the marke. Which was actually fun(x because a lot of secrets were comming out from some people in period 2. Then we had to do work, i worked on my display board. for social studies we had to work on our newspaper the whole time during class. it was hard to focus in that class because everyone was talking all at once. for math we had to work on the second part to our project. Then we got to do some practice problems with our partner, well who ever finished. On tuesday and Wednesday i wasnt at school because i was sick. On thursday i felt much better compared to on the other two days. I had english, science and media. for english we had to do hsa. Mostly everyone finished besides who were absent since they wasn't here for the first half of the test. For science we had watch a black hole video. it was somewhat scary watching the black hole swallow the other planets if it in their way. We also started our new project. we have to pick a new topic something that is about the plantery science for example galaxys, stars, black holes and etc. for media i was so lost because i didnt know we had to show case our song that day. but it went smoothly, well we just winged it. I liked our dance actually even though it was just random things LOL.  We had to do ours first idk why but i was glad we did so we could get over with it . On friday we went on our very first team 8-2 feild trip. hahah but were so ghetto we had to walk our butt to ewa beach park, since we didnt rent bus. hah, but the walk back was so tiering because all my energy was out. So i asked some people to just piggy back me (x haha and they actually did(: we had a barbequee and free time for majority. but we had do some community service.  well that was my week an alright week

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