Saturday, October 27, 2012

Third week of second quarter

Heeeeey bloggers!(: .. So like this week wasnt the best week in school because we wasn't doing our jobs correctly,  not doing blogs , not finishing work in other classes , and etc. honestly this week wasn't that bad to me. But the saddest part of this week was when we just started secret Santa and it got cancelled after a couple of days. Also, this week was scary ;p because of what happen in the lounge. I was so terrified being chased off by shanon!(x .. I can't even explain how I felt and I was literally shaking afterwards. Well this week in English we finished up reading chapter 5 and 6 on animal farm. It's a interesting book because it talks about animals taking over the farm and running it. Also in english we took a test on the chapters 4-6 and vocabulary for those chapters. I can't wait to finish the book so I can take an ar test. For math this week we took our hsa, I'm not as satisfied with my score. I got 327.. But I wish I would of gotten it higher. The hsa was somewhat hard because some problems we didn't even learn so we had to use whatever we know to solve it. For science we did labs about rocks, which was boring because we was just looking at rocks. For math workshop we worked on hsa problems and aleks. For social studies we created a skit about what we learned on the Lewis and Clark expedition. It was really funny and better than doing book work. We also took a test it wasnt as hard as everyone said. For leadership we practice for our Halloween performance. I'm super scaried to perform because I know a lot of people that's going to be watching. Also because Im nervous about what people are going to say about the dance >.<  well that was Myy week .

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

talent show flyer

Heeey guuys so this is my talents show flyer ^.< . I accomplished my six glos on this activity. I accomplished glo #1 by creating this wonderful flyer by myself. For example decorating it and making it look attractive. i accomplished glo #2 by asking my fellow classmates what background they used so i wont take that one. Also, to have a better image on how it should look like. For example when looking for a background i asked for their opinion on it. I accomplished glo #3 by being a complex thinker and solving my . For example changing my words color, fonts and pictures to match the background. i accomplished glo #4 by doing the flyer on the computer instead of hand writing it out. For example taking the picture off the internet instead of drawing it out so it can look neater. i accomplished glo #5 by communicating with my fellow classmates about how my flyer looks like and giving them my opinion on their flyer. For example sharing ideas. i accomplished glo #6 using a computer (technology) to create my talent show flyer. For example using pages to complete this task.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

secret santa ~

Daaam *_* It's almost Christmas. This year, came by to fast -__-. Well anyways were doing a secret santa activity which i think is really cool. Soo you might be wondering who i have buut i cant tell you >.<  lol.. Anyways for Christmas i want a new phone but sadly i cant get that :( cuz it over the limit but if u get me it ill love you forever!(x.. Naawuh but foreals i want clothes from Jeans Warehouse, Forever 21, or Charlotte Russe. I like the tops that are tied in the front and the high and low tops. Im a size xtra-small or a small. I also want jewlery from Claires, Icing, and the other 3 stores above ^^.  The jewelry I use is mostly earrings . I love the studs one and the ear cuffs because i don't have much of those. Well thats all i want for christmas! ^__^ Thaanks guyys ~ 

Friday, October 19, 2012

second week of second quarter

This week was so tiring for some reason. This week came by sort of slow.  During this week in my periods we learned new topics in class. For English we learned new techniques to writing a paragraph. For example putting evidence from the book into your explaining part and elaborating the evidence. In English we had to do an essay which was so boring but easy sort of. For Science we have a new science teacher, she is really cool but means at some points. In class we did more active work instead of book work. We observed rocks .. which was boring but better then reading about them. We also made a poster on the rock cycle which was fun and watch a movie about after life. For Math we reviewed transformations, which was super easy since we learned it in elementary. In class we have a project on creating a poster about the 3 transformation. For Math Workshop we reviewed some HSA test and worked on aleks. For social studies we learned about Andrew Jackson (our seventh president) and Thomas Jefferson. In social studies we wrote letters, poems , and pretended to be the president. For leadership we got start on our dance for Halloween. The dance is so hard to take it  seriously lol but its actually coming out pretty good. So this was my week, nothing special happen.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

halloween dress out poster

Here's my halloween dress out poster. I acomplished the six glo's while completeing this activity. I accomplished glo #1 by being a self directed learner and making the halloween dress out title with the cutter.   For example the words said halloween dress out, the categories, to particpate, and when is it. I accomplished glo #2 by working on this poster with my partner trixie on this and exchanging ideas to decorate the poster. For example texting trixie to see what to put in the poster. I accomplished glo #3 by comming up with an idea to cover up my mistakes on the poster. For example i wrote on when where not supposed to, so we printed it out and paste it over the written words. I accomplished glo #4 by making the poster neat since we printed and cut our words out. For example we printed out the words saying the categories, to participate , when , and see A101 for more information.  I accomplished glo #5 by communicating with my partner on creating the poster and seeing how to design it. For example by talking to trixie durning homeroom and advisory to see what to do on the poster. I accomplished glo #6 by using the computer to type out the words and printing it out.

Friday, October 12, 2012

leadership is not about ability... It means responsibility

The Quote "Leadership is not about ability... It means responsibility. " came from the movie "The core".  I didn't watch the movie but Mr. Ing told us a little about it. This means that leadership isn't about the things you are able to do but it means the things that you can take responsibility for. This means to me that leadership is about leaders taking responsibility.  

halloween dress out flyer

Here's my halloween dress out flyer. I accomplished glo#1 by working on the flyer by myself. For example designing it and creating it on my own. I accomplished glo#2 by working on the poster above with my partner trixie. For example we exchange ideas to decorate the poster and what to write on it. Also, i asked my classmates for their opinion on my flyer. I accomplished glo#3 by solving my problems that i had with my flyer. For example   not making the pictures blocking the words. Also making my flyer look neat and appealing. I accomplished glo#4 by making my flyer on the computer. For example if i hand made my flyer then it would look messy since their would be many erase marks, etc. Also, computer makes everything look neater and my flyer doesnt look so cluttered. I accomplished glo#5 by communicating with my fellow classmates about what they think about my flyer. For example they  give me some more ideas to make my flyer look better and in return i tell them what they should do to make it a lil' better. I accomplished glo#6 by using a computer to complete my flyer. For example finding Halloween pictures and background on the internet to put on my flyer. So i accomplished the six glos for this activity.