Saturday, October 27, 2012

Third week of second quarter

Heeeeey bloggers!(: .. So like this week wasnt the best week in school because we wasn't doing our jobs correctly,  not doing blogs , not finishing work in other classes , and etc. honestly this week wasn't that bad to me. But the saddest part of this week was when we just started secret Santa and it got cancelled after a couple of days. Also, this week was scary ;p because of what happen in the lounge. I was so terrified being chased off by shanon!(x .. I can't even explain how I felt and I was literally shaking afterwards. Well this week in English we finished up reading chapter 5 and 6 on animal farm. It's a interesting book because it talks about animals taking over the farm and running it. Also in english we took a test on the chapters 4-6 and vocabulary for those chapters. I can't wait to finish the book so I can take an ar test. For math this week we took our hsa, I'm not as satisfied with my score. I got 327.. But I wish I would of gotten it higher. The hsa was somewhat hard because some problems we didn't even learn so we had to use whatever we know to solve it. For science we did labs about rocks, which was boring because we was just looking at rocks. For math workshop we worked on hsa problems and aleks. For social studies we created a skit about what we learned on the Lewis and Clark expedition. It was really funny and better than doing book work. We also took a test it wasnt as hard as everyone said. For leadership we practice for our Halloween performance. I'm super scaried to perform because I know a lot of people that's going to be watching. Also because Im nervous about what people are going to say about the dance >.<  well that was Myy week .

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