Sunday, December 16, 2012

second quarter. ;D

heeey bloggers this quarter has been and alright quarter(': i cant believe half of the school year has past. this year came by fast ;( ..probably because were just busy alot. this quarter was busy since we had many activities.  such as isa, halloween dress out contest, talent show, winter fair, etc. i had alot of experiences while doing these activitys. i learned that you need to work fast because some people just dont want to wait. i also learned that mantvpeople doesnt really like playing with the darts game in qinter fair :p. oh and halloween i learned that many people have a great imagination. i never knew someone could be jack and the box or a pecock. the scariest part of this quarter was talent show because it was a requirement to perform for talent show or else youll get an "f" . i never did imagine myself doing talent show at all.  i wasnt really scared about performing but about what other people was going to say about our pwrformance. this quarter was some what scared because i was afraid  if i wasnt gonna get straight  a's. because in englishbi got a b but then i brang it up but i didnt really to well on my wssay so i dont knoe if that would bring my grade down or not.  but overall this quarter was ohkaaye its just i had alot of new experiences. the best part of second quarter was at the end we have a long break plus we get presents. also i becomming closer with everyone in leadership more(: lol i might have some spelling errors since i had to do thiss on my phonee because i dont have internet in my house ;p. well i cant wait to see everyone afer christmas(;  well bye second quarter hello third quarter ;*

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