Friday, November 2, 2012

halloween performance

haaapppy halloweeen!!!!(; guuuyys how was your halloween?!....Thats good =D so like this halloween we had to perform triller ! ;p I was super duper nervous like i was actually shaking. Before we was about to go on i was so confuse if we was performing during lunch or wiki but we performed during wiki. Our prepping was so rushed because we thought we was performing in the morning so we had to rush our makeup since we wasnt even close to being done. The makeup came out really good, because people or other students was saying we actually look scary!(x haha but it was really funny during the preping because we was all complaing we look so ugly but it didnt matter because zombies are suppose to look ugly (; hehe. When we performed i was trying to look down so i didnt have to look at their faces before i mess up and start laughing (x lol. But i hontestly think we did could but we could have done better. i also was super glad since i didnt forget any of the steps =D yaay . After our performace we got take pictures as a group and with other students. it was fun(: i was shaking alot after the performace because i was scared and nervous but it was alll goood after awhile. The performace was really short because i think the students thought their was going to be more but we ended it their. But i had fun and it was really goood to experience something like that.

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