Saturday, December 8, 2012

12-3 ~ 12-7

Heeey bloggers this week went good.(': Except for one thing my teacher lowered my grade to B for english. GHETTO!  but its was just because i was absent and didnt make up for my work. So when i made up for it i still got a B because i did it wrong so i have to redo it again ;( . Yeah that was probably the only bad thing that happen this week plus that was my first B ever. Anyways this week for social studies we finish our one month essays(: and we got to start on our poem posters about the mexico war with americans. In english we just continued reading animal farm. It was actually a good book but some what weird. In science we started learning more about waves and got to do a lab on how to see a lonitudal wave? i think :/ In math we had a free period to catch up with anything in that class. Also this week was the bowling field trip *0*. It was really fun even though i was terrible at bowling(x. So at the bowling alley, the first game i did good actually without the bumpers ;p. I got a 63. My scores got lowered -,-' in the second and third game since Mr.Ing said it was gonna be graded ;(. haha yeaah but at the bowling i got to see some people that i never seen for a long time(; . I also got to meet this person that i wanted to meet for awhile now ^--^. haha yeaah im not gonna go into much detail with that. Also this week was my first practice for dance. I got really tired easily since i was used to not practicing anymore. It was super fun though since my friends was their(x. Also i didnt do things right since it was my first time but no one laughed at me. THANK GOD. haha yeaah it was harder than i remeber but its kaaaye. so imma just continue with that and hoppe ill get better(; so that was my week pretty gee(:

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