Saturday, December 15, 2012

last week of second quarter ;o

Heeeey bloggers this week was an alright week to end the quarter but oh wells. This week was winter fair and it was pretty fun (; . But i wished i could of cruised with my friends -,-' during that time but i had to work during most of the time but its kaaye.(: During winter fair no body really wanted to play the darts game because they thought it was hard. Only the same people keeps coming back to play since they were the only ones that actually know how to play. The saddest part of it was that a BOY put all his effort into throwing the dart but it didnt even reach the board (x And a girl threw the dart to high it hit the window :p . People now days, so sad. The busiest part was in the beginning and end of winter fair. I had to work at the ice cream since no one wanted to play at the darts. This week in english we had to a really big test on our last day of class ;( . but since it was christmas our teacher let us use our notes for the test, which i was so glad to since i forgot to study. In social studies we just watched a movie this whole week. thank god because i wasnt in the mood to do any work ;p This week in math we just made a power point on our own problem we created. Then on the last day for that class we got to do whatevers, and i think the weirdest part of that was when some boys asked me to play with them(x. It was alright but they was sore losers since i kept wining lol since i cheated ;p. Also this week in science we just did labs that wasnt gonna be graded which was fun since we go to test out our earthquake machine. so this week was just a normal week except for the killling that happen in Connecticut. that was so sad my prayers go out to them and their families. byee guuys have fun during your guys winter break (;

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