Saturday, December 1, 2012

11-25 ~ 11-30

Heeeeeeeeeeey bloggers its almost Christmas ^--^. I'm so excited to open my gift ;p. haha anyways this week as actually somewhat good to me only at school though because I had issues at home but I'm not gonna get into much detail in that since its not good. Lol and I'm trying to stay positive in everything in life !(; we'll  just see how long I can stay positive !(x. Haha so this week not that much happen that's so exciting >.< well this week Was my very first week not doing cheerleading and it was really hard rembering that I don't have practice because I'm already used to it. I've been doing cheerleading for 3years now and then I quit when theirs a competition in 5 months. Irrk well yeah but now I'm gonna join dance 808 studio. I went their before but the I quit for try something else so now I'm gonna go back and see how it is.  Yeaah also this week my friends or everyone in our group is getting closer now since everyone stopped talking shit" behind people back. Honestly to me its just people change so its not the same as last year ._.  Also this week I never see my dad for a while now since he's in lanai for a job. He doesnt come back till we go on our winter break. I miss my dad because he's always been their for me and this is the longest I didn't see him. Lol and my sister thinks he's at his friends house and we just don't want to pick him up !(x  so this week in school was really boring all we did was work work work or write write write.  It' was so boring because we was just learning something we already knew just in a different wording. Yeaah so I just finished my essay for social studies and English . It took us one month just to do this paper. So my essay is about 6-7 pages long. I say I did pretty good in it but I need more information but oh wells its due already and I already print it out.  Soo glad it's almost winter break because I'm in need to relax and sleep more. Well that was my week nothing major or anything. Well byyyyyye Guuuuys!(:

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