Wednesday, December 12, 2012

santa sharing (;

Heeeey guuuuys so today waas the day to open our santa christmas gift ^--^.. So i had Laurence x .. but i had to give her present after she was done working cafe'. I got her a one direction case ^__<  It was really hard to find a one direction case. i was going to order it online but i didn't know if it was going to come in time. I also, got her a makeup kit *--* , i didn't know if she uses make up or not but i just wanted to spend more than $20 (=. haha anyways i hope she likes it >.< .. We all was excited to open our gifts and see who has us. When someone gives their gift to the other person then everyone went awuuuh <3. Then after when someone is done opening their gift everyone claps(x. hhaha to me when Savannah gave Kevin his gift. That was so adorable *--*. haha so i got my gift at the end of secret Santa  My secret santa was MR.ING (x lololololol at first i was scared to open my gift because i thought it was a gecko or a type of animal .. and i don't like those kinds of animal ;p so i opened my gift a good amount of distance from me just in case it jumped on me xD . haha but when i open my gift i seen the chips -,- .and thought is that all i got.. it was funny because he wasn't lieing he actually put chips in his gift(x.. but then when i looked more further into my gift i found a forever 21 gift card ^--^ .. Just wanna say thaaank you MR.ING (=

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