Monday, December 10, 2012

Talent Presentaition Blog ~

Heeeeey guuuys ;D so i made my talent presentation on the power point.  To me i did really good. The first slide was just my introdution and i put a picture demonstrating my talent. I was curling my hair during the picture. I think this was good because it shows that i can do my talent. On my seond slide i had to give background infos on doing hair. For eample how i got it and when did realize i had that talent. I got my talent from my watching others do their hair hich inspired me to my own. Also i go this talent from youtube videos which made me become more interested in doing hair, and making it all pretty like. I think this slide was pretty interesting because it explained more about my talent. On my third slide it explains how my talent can help leadership. Doing hair can help leadership because it involes accuracy, and imagination. On my Fourth slide it has my video essay. On my video essay i showed how to do a fish tail braid but i only did it half way. Then i curled my hair. My voice is scratchy since i was sick but its alright i guess. But  i know mostly everyone know how to curl hair  but some people don't. so this is for them (; On my fifth slide i had how i accomplished my 6 glos during this avtivity. My talent presentaion is one of my best power point i made.

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