Saturday, November 10, 2012

fifth week of second quarter~

heeeey guys so  this week came by fast since we only had 4 days of school!(: This week was really fun ^--^ How was your guys week?!?..Well this week we got to do our audition for talents show... For talent show im danceing with Serena, Bretman, Jessica, Laurence, and Nickki. And we wasnt even ready for the talent show ;/ but gladly Bretman came up with a dance for us just for audiotions, and we only learned it the daay before!(x Ohkaaye so in English we just continued reading animal farm, and doing our activitys for it. For example we had to write down questions about the chapter, find words we didnt know in the chapter, draw whats happening in the chapter, and  lastly make a connection to the book (yourself - the chapter). In Science we finished our topic on rocks which was really good since rocks is so boring to learn about. Now were learning about wave energy or something like that..because i forgot ;/ ..In the past day of science we only wrote down key terms, define it , and create a picture to match it. Well in Math were learning about linear and non linear. At first i got mixed up because of the didnt properly show which were points. yeah i dont like that topic .___.  So in social studies we started our essay that would take about 3 weeks to finish. Our essay is about the different types of trails people took to go west. For example their are the Oregon trail, Mormon trail, and the California trail. My essay is going to be about the Oregon trail. So far in the week we only have completed our introduction and is working on our first paragraph for the body. Tuesday was election day and i went to go vote with my grandma sine my mom was working and my dad was on Lanai. But yeah so i guess obama won? well thats what i heard from everyone.. So that was my week pretty gee ^.< Hope to have a better week next week ~ Welll byyyyye bloggggers !(:

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