Saturday, November 24, 2012

seventh week of second quarter ~

Heeeey bloggers!(; so this week was a really short week. We only had 3 days of school but i only went to school for 2 days since i was and couldn't go sleep.  This week in english we learned about sources for research information. We had to take so much notes about this so we wont forget and to help us with our research project in social studies. This week in Math we started learning about liner and nonlinear and putting it in with the slope and finding our own x and y values. This topic was somewhat hard at the beginning  but after some practice i got used to the problems. This week in Social Studies we continued our research  project about the trails moving west for example the California trail, Oregon trail, and Mormon trail. In Science we just did our lab on energy waves. Also, we continued taking notes on the key terms of our topic.  This week was very fun since we have a long weekend. Also, this week is thanksgiving so i want to thank the leadership people for being my new friends and helping me get better at things i needed to improve. Also, for challenging me do things i never imagined doing. So thank you <3. Yesterday was black Friday and everyone was out shopping while i was home watching movies!(: .. But then at night we went to waikele for Christmas shopping. i only bought a little than i wanted. Im in need for more clothes. So during this week i stayed home and babysit my baby sister, it was really tireing and fun though spending quality time with my sister since i couldnt spend time with her during the weekend. I  also got time to relax witch was good since i really never have time to do that since my mom always ask me to do things. So this week was really good even though i didnt have time to do my own thing and get what i wanted. Well hope your guys week was ; great!(: Weellll byyyyye XD

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