Friday, August 31, 2012

fifth week of school

This week came by really fast -__-  It's already half first quarter ;/  This week we had intamerials and it was really fun. During this intamerials I worked as clip bored, and bags. My favorite job was clipboards because we got to score the classrooms. I didn't do field because their isn't much as people doing the jobs because many people were on probation because of their grades. Well this week my job was after school sale. This job was some what challenging because when they buy little bit  and payed with a big bill then we had to calculate whats their change.  But luckily i could do mental math which made after school sale easier. In first period were learning about the difference between utopia and dystopia. In second period we just got ready for intamerials like staple our classes we had for intamerials.  In third period we just took notes all week and watch a really boring movie. In fourth period is my favorite core class because its really fun the way the teacher teaches the class like we watch a cartoon video on independence. In fifth period i have math workshop which lets me do math on my own paste. Lastly sixth period i have math and this class is really easy because i already know this stuffs that our teacher was teaching us. This week was fabulous!!(;  <3

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