Friday, August 24, 2012

fourth week of school

This week came by really fast .__. But i still had a great time!(: This week was picture taking and I was so nervous to take my picture because I want it to be perfect not ugly like last year :/ . After I took my picture I asked the guy if I could see it then he said then everyone else could see it . Well this week my job was T.V. And it was really fun being on T.V.  On my first  time being on T.V. I was super nervous..... I like got butterflies in my stomach -__- but Heighlee said I did good for my first time!(:  On Friday we tried a new thing ..instead of the green background we put background that came from the computer which was cool! ^__^  I finally checked webgrader and I'm satisfied with my grades <3  Also, this week i finished with my book (the hunger games) it was long but really good. And i finished my ar goal!(= In my classes it was really boring :( because all we did was book work and take notes and test. Well that's all that happen during my week not much but it's okay lol. Byyye ;p

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