Friday, August 10, 2012

Second week of school

Yeaah  guys !(: we finished our second week of school !^_^  .. This week came by soo fast ... Well I had an Awsome week working at the IDs. Their isn't as much work to do at the ID job. But I learned some new things about this job. I learned how to make a new ID for a teacher. It was very interesting how some people already lost their ID and it's only the second week of school. This week for me was sort of busy because I already have projects in class to turn in.  During this week i went to my math enrichment class for the first time and it was really fun  trying a new thing.(:  Also, during this we had an instagram photo challenged which I entered to.  This  was a very creative way to allow students to get involve and even though I can't win , I still had a great time participating .(=  I actually had a better second week this year rather than last year since because I didn't know most of the students in my team last year. This week was very thrilling and hope that next week would be even better.

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